All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Monday AM Sales Challenge: How big of a RISK are you?

By Scott Sambucci | March 21, 2016

Yes, of course your prospect loves your product and how you’re going to lead them to the promised land. Here’s the thing… despite how much they love your product and the idea of working with your company, you pose an enormous risk to your prospect. Here’s the other thing… in many cases, they’re not even […]


The Friday Four: Pricing strategy, Satisficing, Status Quo & Procurement departments

By Scott Sambucci | March 21, 2016

After one week hiatus, I present to you Installment #7 of “The FridayFour.” Want to get The Friday Four sent right to your inbox? 1 – Why your pricing strategy is killing your business I learned from the master this week. Check out my podcast Interview with Patrick Campbell, co-founder and CEO at PriceIntelligently. Patrick […]


The Monday Morning Sales Challenge: Handling the “price question”

By Scott Sambucci | March 14, 2016

If you’re finding yourself getting beat up about your price, it probably means you’re doing something wrong in your sales process. And if price is an issue for you when it comes time to lock down a new customer, consider these three ideas: The “price conversation” should not be combative. If you gone weeks or […]


The Monday AM Sales Challenge: Be Positive [3/7/16]

By Scott Sambucci | March 7, 2016

It’s easy to lament on losses and negative events. My challenge to you this week is to be positive. Focus on the wins. Focus on what you’ve learned. Focus on decisions you made (and haven’t made!) that turned out to be right. Here’s a simple strategy… Grab a blank sheet of paper, and divide it […]


The Friday Four #6: Trish Bertuzzi, a conference tip, prospecting & David Cummings

By Scott Sambucci | March 3, 2016

Installment #6 – Here we go… 1 – The Startup Selling podcast interview with Trish Bertuzzi LOTS of learning with Trish on the podcast, covering the topic of sales development & prospecting. Trish is the founder of The Bridge Group and absolutely knows her stuff. Trish shared specific questions to identify if a customer is […]