Category Archives for "The Friday Four"

First Dibs On My Next FULL-DAY Sales Workshop (plus a whole lot more…) [The Friday Four – 4/21/2017]

By Zeeva Viola | April 21, 2017

Let’s get right to it… 1 – ANNOUNCEMENT: FULL-DAY SALES WORKSHOP Do you need to… … Qualify your Leads into Prospects… … Move Prospects into your Sales Pipeline…   … Convert your Sales Pipeline into Paying Customers? Perfect. This workshop is for you. CLICK HERE for the details. Together, we’ll: Build your Prospecting Plan of […]


Predictable Prospecting, Podcasts & Selling Confidence [The Friday Four – 3/31/17]

By Zeeva Viola | March 31, 2017

It’s the last day of Q1. Do you know where your sales are? I just wrapped up a round of Sales Strategy Calls with my clients to set the course for the next three months. If you want some help with this, grab time on my calendar here for a “Sales Audit.” It takes about 15 […]


It’s been way to long… and that’s my fault…[The Friday Four: 3/24/17]

By Zeeva Viola | March 24, 2017

It’s official. I’m a slacker. It’s been more than two months since sending out my so-called weekly “Friday Four.” The good news is I’ve been teaching and sharing ideas with of live groups – workshops, conferences, speaking… The bad news is that I’ve neglected the 1000+ of you on this list. I aim to fix […]


Planning to raise a seed round or Series A this year? [The Friday Four: 1/20/17]

By Scott Sambucci | January 20, 2017

Can I still say “Happy New Year?” I mean, it’s still January and this is my first email to you in 2017… 1 – Raising a seed round or Series A this year? Yes? Cool. Then you DEFINITELY need to come to this working session at the SaaStr CoSelling Space in San Francisco. It’s all […]


The Friday Four: Which are you: ! ? . or __? Plus Burning Sales Questions…

By Zeeva Viola | December 16, 2016

1 – Got a BURNING Sales Question? Cool. I like questions, especially sales questions. Sign up for… “The Burning Sales Question Live Q&A with Scott Sambucci” (that’s me in case you forgot… ????) Seriously… I love helping startups and teams figure out their sale problems, so give me this gift and let me help you […]

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