Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

Product Marketing: We are an early stage software company and our solution falls at the intersection of a couple of broad categories i.e, BI and Performance Management (as defined by Gartner – sigh!). I keep getting asked by people which category we belong to?

By Zeeva Viola | September 21, 2017

Question: Product Marketing: We are an early stage software company and our solution falls at the intersection of a couple of broad categories i.e, BI and Performance Management (as defined by Gartner – sigh!). I keep getting asked by people which category we belong to? Answer: If you’re sitting around wondering about how to market […]


What do you like most about networking with people?

By Zeeva Viola | September 12, 2017

Question: What do you like most about networking with people? Answer: That I learn something new from every conversation, even if it takes a little digging to find it. And usually, it doesn’t. I recently met a Quora friend – Tim Rosenblatt – for coffee a few weeks ago. In just over an hour, here’s […]


What is the ideal structure of a web marketing team in a mid-sized B2B company?

By Zeeva Viola | September 7, 2017

Question: What is the ideal structure of a web marketing team in a mid-sized B2B company? Answer: As small as possible. There are several excellent business platforms that enable companies to monitor and distribute social media content. (see – they do a great job with free webinars as well on social media strategy and […]


What are the basics of marketing a B2B product online?

By Zeeva Viola | September 5, 2017

Question: What are the basics of marketing a B2B product online? Answer: Find your voice. It used to be that a broadcast push would work – posting an article a day to a company blog then generating search traffic. Those days are long gone. Now it’s pull, THEN push. Attract target prospects to your site […]