All Posts by Scott Sambucci

The Next 2 Months Will Make or Break Your 2021 Sales Year

By Scott Sambucci | May 26, 2021

???? Are the leads you have now getting dusty and stale? Only getting a trickle of new leads instead of the flow you need to fill the funnel? ???? Is that “healthy” pipeline from the Spring turning into a backlog of deals gone dark? ???? Feeling like you’re underpricing your current customers while leaving expansion […]


Book A Meeting From A Meeting

By Scott Sambucci | May 24, 2021

  To avoid the need to “follow-up”, use BAMFAM— “Book A Meeting From A Meeting”.  Often times in your discovery call, your point of contact might be interested in your product or service and wants to get back to you.  Instead of replying with “Okay, that sounds great”, control the sale and book a meeting […]


Daily Dose: Can We Please Eliminate “Follow Up” From our Sales Jargon?

By Scott Sambucci | May 24, 2021

  “I guess I’ll follow up with them…” If that’s your action plan for a deal that’s gone dark or a lead that won’t reply, you’re doing it all wrong. The top 3 synonyms for “follow” are PURSUE, SEEK & CHASE. Is that how you want to run your sales process?  Change the mindset.  Eliminate […]


The Next 2 Months Will Make or Break Your Q4/2021 Sales Numbers

By Scott Sambucci | May 20, 2021

The next 2 months will make or break your Q4/2021 sales numbers which is why you’ll want to join on a LIVE training I’m running for B2B startup founders on June 3rd. (Send an email to [email protected] with the word “q4 sales” below & I’ll send you the details.) Why are the next 60 days […]


q4 sales

By Scott Sambucci | May 20, 2021

I’m running a sales training on June 3rd to help b2b startup founders nail their 2021 sales targets. I’m teaching five (5) specific sales strategies that we implement every day with our clients, including – Account expansion and up-sells to your current customers. Converting more deals in your sales pipeline faster. Filling your sales funnel […]

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