Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

Demos are where sales opportunities go to die.

By Scott Sambucci | June 17, 2021

  Unless you’ve got a Prospecting Partnering System in your #sales process. In prospecting partnering, what you really need to do is project management. So unsexy. It’s not fun. But if you don’t do it well, demos are going to be the place where your sales opportunities die. Listen to the full podcast here:


Buyer Vampire 2: “I Make the Decision on This.”

By Scott Sambucci | June 16, 2021

“If a prospect you’re talking with tells you, “I’m making the decision on this,” then that person is assuredly a vampire. Even if they are the ultimate economic buyer, it’s rare that they are going to push a new product or service on their team without at least consulting them first.  What that vampire is […]


Discovery → Implementation → Plan of Action

By Scott Sambucci | June 15, 2021

  Discovery: You want to identify your customer’s problem and the buyers that need to be involved. Implementation: Look at the pay-off or the Return on Investment (ROI).  Plan of Action: Always have a Plan of Action for doing the implementation and making sure that your customers are getting the outcome that you’re promising to […]


Buyer Vampire 1: “How Much Is It?”

By Scott Sambucci | June 15, 2021

“Ever had a situation in which you’re talking to new prospects and five minutes into the conversation, they ask, “This sounds really great. How much is it?”  Gulp. Whether you’re selling a lower-priced subscription product ($100/ month) or an enterprise solution with lots of zeroes ($1,000/month or more), if your prospect asks price in the […]


Most Of The People You Encounter Aren’t Buyers

By Scott Sambucci | June 14, 2021

“As you’re engaging with your prospective customers, most of the people who you encounter aren’t buyers. They might think of themselves as buyers, but in most cases, the people you need to reach are not the most obvious (or easiest!) people to reach. Often, your initial point of contact will be with a user buyer […]

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