All Posts by Scott Sambucci

A pipeline pull-through strategy is . . .

By Scott Sambucci | February 10, 2020

Your company’s process for moving your qualified sales opportunities through your sales pipeline. Think of this as your “sales map”—all the steps you and your customers need to take during their buying journey. A complete pipeline pull-through strategy includes these three parts.  Sales Meeting Management: This is your process for leading your sales meetings and […]


Selling System 1: Prospecting Plan of Action

By Scott Sambucci | February 7, 2020

Top-of-the-sales-funnel work is focused on generating qualified leads through daily marketing and sales activity, such as the following. • LinkedIn connections, groups, and posts • Blogging and content marketing • Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) • White papers • Webinars • Executive briefings • Market update conference calls • Speaking at conferences and industry events […]


Pipeline Pull-Through Strategy

By Scott Sambucci | February 5, 2020

 Moving your qualified leads through your sales pipeline requires that you have a clear strategy for taking customers from qualified lead to paying customer.  Some of the biggest mistakes that startups make in this part of their sales funnel are one or more of these actions. • Failing to maintain momentum from one sales meeting […]


Daily Dose: Decisions That Simplify

By Scott Sambucci | February 4, 2020

Zach Stein joined me on my podcast, describing the decision-making frameworks he used as CEO at Osmo. (Check the comments below for a link to the episode.) We talked about “making one decision to save a thousand” that Greg McKeown detailed in his book, *Essentialism.* This week, I decided to skip all Super Bowl media […]


The key measurements to track when using a Plan of Action:

By Scott Sambucci | February 4, 2020

Lead Development Rate: The rate at which you are generating leads for your target market. Depending on your capacity, time to sale, and deal size, this can be a daily, weekly, or monthly rate. For our $79/month product at Altos Research, we looked at daily lead rates. At Blend, while selling six- and seven-figure deals […]

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