Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

Distinguishing between Continuations and Advances

By Scott Sambucci | December 16, 2019

Think about your most recent sales call or meeting with a prospective customer. Got it in your mind? Now, answer this question. Did that call or meeting with your prospective customer move you closer to closing the sale, or are you still in the same place? Here’s an example of a continuation that might at […]


Building Repeatability

By Scott Sambucci | December 13, 2019

“Creating a standardized list of checkpoints and milestones in your sales process allows you to establish repeatability. Over time, as you grow your sales team, you’ll need to have a sales system in place that replicates the process by which you’ve added new customers. By documenting a checklist of the key steps and milestones within […]


I don’t want to be a marshmallow!

By Scott Sambucci | December 11, 2019

My son was having a rough morning. He was awake at 5:07am (which is better than the 4:45am wakeup …). Sitting on the couch, he got worked up talking about his role as a puffy piece of sugar in the school play. He finally burst in frustration. Life can be rough for a 2nd-grader this […]


Reasons to Establish Checkpoints and Milestones in Your Sales Process

By Scott Sambucci | December 10, 2019

Reason 1: Measuring Progress “Often, it’s hard to be objective because we have so much enthusiasm about our product and the problem that we’re solving. We can quickly become overly optimistic about a single conversation we had with a target company because we’re excited. We want the company to become a customer, and it’s easy […]


When is the next step in the sale?

By Scott Sambucci | December 9, 2019

“Think of the sales process as knowing the checkpoints and milestones in your sale or knowing when the next step is in each sales opportunity. Think of it this way: If you’re embarking on a journey to a destination, you need a map to know how to get there. You need to know all the checkpoints and […]

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