All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Asking For Permission

By Scott Sambucci | September 13, 2021

“What we tend to make the mistake of with sales, in general, is that we try to take autonomy from our prospects.” —Jason Bay So glad to have had Jason Bay join me once again on The Startup Selling Podcast. 🔥 Three takeaways from this segment to listen to – 🤷‍♂️Permission Based Opener – Do you want […]


Ep 125: Prospecting Narcissism, Asking For Permission & Painting Houses: An Interview with Jason Bay, Blissful Prospecting’s Chief Revenue Officer

By Scott Sambucci | September 13, 2021

  In this episode of the Startup Selling Podcast, I interviewed Jason Bay. Jason is the Chief Prospecting Officer at Blissful Prospecting. He helps reps and sales teams who love landing big meetings with prospects—but hate not getting responses to their cold emails or feeling confident making cold calls.  A few of his clients have […]


Daily Dose: The Startup Selling Running Your Demos Like a Boss! Framework

By Scott Sambucci | September 10, 2021

  When you’re a startup with the latest and greatest new product, there’s no shortage of interesting conversations. Everyone wants to see the new, cool thing you’ve built.  But every demo feels like a fireworks show – everyone’s excited, you get lots of applause when it’s over, then everything goes dark. Getting deals to move […]


Getting Back Into The Flow – A Startup Lesson from the Trail

By Scott Sambucci | September 10, 2021

  For me, yesterday was particularly hard – the 4am alarm 🕓, two workouts 🏋️, no carbs in my diet 🥗. By 7pm, I was exhausted. My wife even told me – “Man you look tired!” But… I know to do hard things, to accomplish what I want to do with the business and my […]


Getting Back Into The Flow – A Startup Lesson from the Trail

By Scott Sambucci | September 9, 2021

  I took 6 months to train for the Western States 100. After that, I took a vacation to spend two weeks in Portland visiting family, feasting from food trucks 🌯, devouring donuts 🍩, and pulling down lattes ☕(and an occasional local brew or two..)???? It’s ALWAYS important to take some downtime after a big […]

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