All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Buyer Vampire 1: “How Much Is It?”

By Scott Sambucci | October 16, 2019

“Ever had a situation in which you’re talking to new prospects and five minutes into the conversation, they ask, “This sounds really great. How much is it?” Gulp. Whether you’re selling a lower-priced subscription product ($100/month) or an enterprise solution with lots of zeroes ($1,000/month or more), if your prospect asks price in the first […]


Episode 71: The REPLY Method for Prospecting & Cold Outreach: An Interview with Jason Bay

By Scott Sambucci | October 15, 2019

In this episode of the Startup Selling Podcast, I interviewed Jason Bay, Chief Revenue Officer at Blissful Prospecting where he helps sales teams remove the stress from prospecting. His sales experience dates back to 2008. At 19, he ran his first six-figure business painting houses while attending school at Oregon State University. He’s worked with […]


Buyer Vampires

By Scott Sambucci | October 15, 2019

“All that needs to happen is a quick conversation with my manager,” or “Send over a proposal so I can get it approved.” And yet you can be miles and miles away from a sale. These situations will suck the life out of you and your company. That’s why I think about these people as […]


Most of the people who you encounter aren’t buyers…

By Scott Sambucci | October 14, 2019

“As you’re engaging with your prospective customers, most of the people who you encounter aren’t buyers. They might think of themselves as buyers, but in most cases, the people you need to reach are not the most obvious (or easiest!) people to reach. Often, your initial point of contact will be with a user buyer […]


Many companies in various industries probably suffer…

By Scott Sambucci | September 23, 2019

Many companies in various industries probably suffer from the problem you solve, and the more you search for the problem, the more you realize that it’s everywhere. That leaves you wondering, “How are we going to sell to all these customers?” The more you look at the total addressable market for your product, the more […]