All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Innovators vs. Laggards

By Scott Sambucci | November 13, 2019

“As a startup, you’re looking for “innovators” and “early adopters” as your first customers — companies and executives actively seeking new ideas and technology to solve their business problems because of one of the following reasons. Existing vendors in the market are old, outdated, or unable to adapt their products to solve an emerging or […]


Episode 74: Creating & Delivering Killer Product Demos: An Interview with Oscar Santolalla

By Scott Sambucci | November 12, 2019

  In this episode of the Startup Selling Podcast, I interviewed Oscar Santolalla, Author and Sales Engineer at Ubisecure.  Oscar has spent years in product management and sales roles in the tech industry. Since 2014, Oscar has been hosting the public speaking podcast ‘Time to Shine’, in which he has interviewed more than one hundred […]


Problem Awareness

By Scott Sambucci | November 12, 2019

“Either your customer is aware or unaware that he or she has the problem that you solve. If your prospective customer is “problem unaware,” this means that you will need to invest a significant amount of time with the prospective customer to help him or her see the magnitude of the problem, find the right […]


Stage 1 of the Enterprise Sale: Recognition of Needs

By Scott Sambucci | November 11, 2019

“Recognition of needs, the first stage, is exactly that—analyzing the prospective customer’s need. Your job as a seller is to identify and qualify the problem the customer has to solve—Does the customer have the core problem that your product and company solves? and Is he or she aware that the company has this problem?  This […]


The Four Stages of the Enterprise Sale

By Scott Sambucci | November 8, 2019

Neil Rackham and his book, Major Account Sales Strategy, influenced much of what I’ve learned about the stages of the enterprise sale.24 In his book, Rackham uses data collected from observing thousands of salespeople and sales opportunities.  Through those observations and by analyzing the data collected, he identified that there are four primary stages of […]