All Posts by Scott Sambucci

The Q Framework sales Process

By Scott Sambucci | December 6, 2019

What we need to do is develop a system that identifies checkpoints and milestones along the way for each sales opportunity, so that we know where we stand, if we’re making progress, and if we’re marching closer to converting this sales opportunity to a paying customer. We’ve detailed the first four questions of the Q […]


Enterprise Sales

By Scott Sambucci | December 5, 2019

“One of the toughest challenges in enterprise sales is balancing the customers’ buying process as compared to your sales process. Your prospective customers want to take the lead and be in control of the evaluation and sales process. But we know that if we let them lead the process entirely, that we’ll end up in […]


The Seven Rs of Customer Success

By Scott Sambucci | December 3, 2019

During implementation, focus early and often on the seven Rs of customer success.These are: 1. Reconfirm: Give your customers confidence in their decision to purchase your product. 2. Results: Provide and show results as quickly as possible following your launch or “go live” date. 3. ROI: Provide and show, as quickly as possible, how your […]


Stage 4: The Implementation Stage

By Scott Sambucci | November 27, 2019

The transition from ‘resolution of concerns’ to ‘implementation’ is often subtle. The reason it can be subtle is that we’re dealing with many different people in the organization. If you execute well on introducing an implementation plan as part of your sales process, the transition from selling to implementing can almost disappear. The key outcomes […]


Ep. 75: LinkedIn for LeadGen & How to Support the Women on Your Team – An Interview with Sarah Tuneberg

By Scott Sambucci | November 26, 2019

In this episode of the Startup Selling Podcast, I interviewed Sarah Tuneberg, Co-Founder and CEO at Geospiza. She leads an interdisciplinary team of problem solvers focused on developing data-driven, evidence-based solutions, models, and processes that reduce risk and enhance resilience, especially for the most vulnerable.   She is passionate about harnessing data, analytics, and technology to […]