All Posts by Scott Sambucci

More Benefits of Using the 7×1 Framework

By Scott Sambucci | January 13, 2020

The 7×1 framework also future paces the prospective customer about the additional people and resources that will be needed to be involved in the sales and purchasing decision process. When the prospect sees all the people and processes that will be involved with a successful implementation, you can use that as leverage to involve key […]


“Daily Dose: The past is the past”

By Scott Sambucci | January 10, 2020

The past is the past – Startup Lessons from the Trail If you’ve watched my videos lately you know that two months ago, I ran a 200-mile ultramarathon around Lake Tahoe.  For the last eight weeks, I’ve been celebrating and enjoying my personal glory of finishing this race.  There comes a time where you’ve got […]


The 7×1 Framework

By Scott Sambucci | January 10, 2020

The 7×1 framework is designed for earlier stages in the sales process. As soon as you have someone who is interested in your product, use the 7×1 framework to show your prospective customer that you consider implementation early and often when working with new customers. The 7×1 framework is a series of seven “firsts” in […]


“Daily Dose: One Step at a Time”

By Scott Sambucci | January 9, 2020

  I just signed up for my next ultra marathon – it’s in February down in New Zealand. This past weekend, I built out the next three months – what does the training look like? What’s January going to look like?  What’s December gonna look like? What is the rest of November going to look […]


Building Your Implementation Plan

By Scott Sambucci | January 8, 2020

“There are a couple of ways to construct your implementation plan. The first is less formal and designed for use earlier in your sales process with each sales opportunity. It’s called “the 7×1 framework.” The second is more precise—a weekly plan of action—and becomes a true implementation or work plan for your future customer. If […]