Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

What’s the most effective method for “outbound” sales of SaaS products?

By Zeeva Viola | September 28, 2017

Question: What’s the most effective method for “outbound” sales of SaaS products? Answer: Good points from Jonathan, though I would label the calls to the company executives ‘new calls’ instead of ‘cold calls.’ It’s an important mental model to use when approaching the call. This positions you as a peer having a conversation instead of […]


As a consultant, how can I improve my presentation skills in front of an executive audience?

By Zeeva Viola | September 27, 2017

Question: As a consultant, how can I improve my presentation skills in front of an executive audience? Answer: Certainly not an exhaustive list – just a few that work for me: Think of your sales presentation as a workshop. Selling is simply educating a group of interested people about a topic on which you happen […]


Handling Objections: Those pesky last-minute questions from your prospects…

By Scott Sambucci | September 26, 2017

Handling Objections: Those pesky last-minute questions from your prospects…

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