Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

Showing a Product Demo Too Soon

By Scott Sambucci | May 12, 2021

“Think of the recognition of needs stage as the “no demo” stage—I absolutely, positively forbid you to do any product demos while in this stage of the sale. Save the demo for the next stage of the sale—evaluation of options. As an entrepreneur, and too often with professional salespeople, the product becomes a crutch. We […]


Communication —> Consistency

By Scott Sambucci | May 11, 2021

Communication starts by scheduling and making sure your team and your family knows. Most importantly, share WHY it’s important that you do that “thing” you want to do consistently. Listen to the full podcast here:  


Teach Your Prospects About Their Problems

By Scott Sambucci | May 11, 2021

“Most companies sell on the known said problem, because that’s what the customers talk about and complain about every day, so it’s easy and convenient to say, “Hey! You know how you said you have XYZ problem? Guess what? Our product can help you! Want to see a demo!” Worse, it’s downright lazy. When you […]


Schedule. Everything.

By Scott Sambucci | May 10, 2021

One of the key strategies that helped me with #consistency is to schedule everything.  I schedule EVERYTHING so I can see what time is actually available in my day & where I can trim or trash tasks that are of low value. When you do this, it gives you an opportunity to maximize your time and work […]


Let’s look at a “circle back” example…

By Scott Sambucci | May 10, 2021

“Let’s say that one of the milestones in your sales process might be “Get sample data from the prospective customer.” (Don’t worry; we’ll talk more about specifics you can include in your sales process shortly.) In this case, when the prospect asked you to “circle back in a week to set up a demo with […]

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