Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

What is the best way for a SaaS company to deal with long sales cycles? #Q&A

By Zeeva Viola | February 9, 2017

(I’m assuming that we are discussing an enterprise-wide SaaS platform or service that is priced at $25K-100K+ per year, or multiples of that, not single-user licenses that might range from $10-$100 per discrete transaction.) I agree with Nadim on some points, but strongly disagree on others. Do NOT hire “closers.” Instead, hire sales professionals that […]


How should a 21-year-old aspiring entrepreneur go about developing business talents? Should I stay in college or take a “crash course” by starting a business? #Q&A

By Zeeva Viola | February 8, 2017

Question: I’m a 21 year old that lives in silicon valley. My passion is business and everything that revolves around it. Being an early employee of two startups through growth stages has allowed me to see first hand the key components to building a successful business and build a network of talented people. Everything I’ve […]


Hiring ahead of growth… #enterprisesales #startupselling SaaSTr Conference

By Scott Sambucci | February 7, 2017

Hiring ahead of growth… #enterprisesales #startupselling SaaSTr Conference