All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Find Experts – A Startup Selling Lesson from the Trail

By Scott Sambucci | August 5, 2021

  ????‍♂️When I’m driving out to the mountains for a long trail run, I often dial-up a ???? podcast in the car to learn from interviews with top runners in the ultra-running community.  On the weekends and at night before bed, ????I read books about running, nutrition and endurance racing. This past year, I hired […]


Prepare – Plan – Visualize

By Scott Sambucci | August 3, 2021

  Here are some things to think about going into your product demo:  ???? Did you prepare? ???? Did you rehearse? ????Did you collect all the needs from the key buyers that are going into the meeting? ???? Are you doing the right account planning? ???? Are you clear about the director’s level objectives that […]


Exercise is my antidote… Especially on mornings like this…

By Scott Sambucci | August 3, 2021

  Monday’s are usually a day I’m feeling rested and ready to go for the week. Not today. As I sat there churning out my Morning Pages, I could just see where the day was headed. The coffee tasted bitter. My mind wandering everywhere. My brain felt spongy and dull. Today was supposed to be […]


I’m Looking For FIVE (5) B2B Startup Founders

By Scott Sambucci | July 29, 2021

  Wait, what?! I’m NOT out running on a trail this morning? What gives? ???????? Here’s what… August coming, and so is the sprint to the end of 2021. This is a CRITICAL time when it comes to generating leads, growing your Q4. pipeline and building out repeatable sales process. So… I’d like to know… […]


Post-Race Lesson: Do The Work

By Scott Sambucci | July 28, 2021

  It’s been a few weeks since I ran the Western States 100 – a 100-mile ultramarathon from Olympic Village in the Sierra Nevadas to Auburn, CA. Every day since then, I’ve been reflecting on the race – what I accomplished, what I learned, and how I prepared for the oldest, and arguably most prestigious, […]

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