All Posts by Scott Sambucci

2 Sales Tip of the Day (video): Situational Analysis

By Scott Sambucci | November 4, 2012

Before you present your products or hop on a demo, start the sales conversation with questions about the client’s situation and process. Only by understanding this process first can you effectively present your solution. Looking for your sales edge? Check out: “Startup Selling: How to sell if you really, really have to and don’t know how“ […]


Sales Tip of the Day: Focus, Focus, Focus in your product demos

By Scott Sambucci | October 30, 2012

You’re proud of your product and the 27 features your developers built. Great. Just know that during your sales demos, your prospect has only one or two major pain points and will remember no more than three features or functions about your product. Focus, focus, focus your presentation on emphasizing a maximum of three features. […]


HBR Article: Plan Your Sales Strategy

By Scott Sambucci | October 26, 2012

Dad used to tell me – “Make a list. If you make a list, you won’t forget anything.” Makes sense at the grocery store and during your sales calls – that’s the basis behind the SalesQualia Sales Mapping workshop. Today in his HBR article “Plan Your Sales Strategy,” Steve W. Martin wrote: In my win-loss […]