All Posts by Scott Sambucci

The Friday Four – 4 Sales Ideas to finish the week strong

By Scott Sambucci | January 29, 2016

Every week by email, I’m sharing four (4) sales lessons, ideas, strategies, tactics. Pretty much anything I think will give you a nudge forward on your sales efforts. No rhyme or reason to the tips and ideas – just stuff I’m thinking about, trying myself, or learning from people way smarter than me. I’ll be […]


Startup Selling Workshop Thursday night in Seattle

By Scott Sambucci | January 27, 2016

Last week in San Francisco, and this week in Seattle. Excited to be working with General Assembly for the first time to deliver my Startup Selling workshop.(Can’t believe I’ve taken this long to make this happen!)What’s on the agenda? Why Startup Selling of course… helping you to: Find Customers Grow Revenue Build Your Sales Process This […]


Startup Selling workshop @ PARISOMA this week

By Scott Sambucci | January 17, 2016

I’m super excited to be working with PARISOMA Workspace in San Francisco to host my Startup Selling workshop on Tuesday, Jan 19th. During the holidays, I find that I tend to over-estimate how much “quiet time” or “focus time” I’ll have to do my company planning. Either I end up keeping a pretty full schedule of meetings, […]


It’s Monday, Jan 11th. Do 5 sales calls today. You’ll be glad you did.

By Scott Sambucci | January 11, 2016

The second week of the year is here! Where are you with your 2016 sales plan? If you’re off track, don’t worry. You can get started RIGHT NOW by committing yourself to the simple task of doing five sales calls today. Check out this two-minute video for how to get yourself going: Start with your sales […]