All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Monday AM Sales Challenge: Review your recent losses [2/29/16]

By Scott Sambucci | February 29, 2016

After acquiring a few new customers in a row, it’s easy to feel like you’re in a groove and you’ve got this “sales thing” figured out. Then all the sudden, just as quickly, you can hit a rut and a few prospective customers decide to go another direction, or worse they just plain go dark […]


The Friday Four: A podcast interview, Productivity Apps & Dharmesh Shah

By Scott Sambucci | February 29, 2016

Installment #5. A podcast interview on selling after the sale, three productivity apps, and a presentation by Dharmesh Shah, founder & CTO at Hubspot. 1 – D&B Podcast interview: Beyond the buyer… Last week, Dustin Luther at Dun & Bradstreet interviewed me on their B2B podcast. Dustin is a good friend from my days in […]


Monday AM Sales Challenge: Can you be vulnerable? Can you ask for help? [2/22/16]

By Scott Sambucci | February 22, 2016

Over the past year, I read a couple of books by Brene Brown and Amanda Palmer – “Daring Greatly” and “The Art of Asking,” respectively. The both have excellent TED talks if you want the 20-minute primer… Brene Brown, “The power of vulnerability.” Amanda Palmer, “The art of asking.” One of the most challenging aspects […]


The Friday Four – Revenue Acquisition Portfolio, Team Selling & more…

By Scott Sambucci | February 18, 2016

Four (4) not-so-random ideas to help you find customers, grow revenue & build your sales process…  Enjoy. 🙂 1 – Revenue Acquisition Portfolio Check out the latest Startup Selling podcast episode in which I cover this topic. Time is your most scarce resource, which means that you have earn the right risk-adjusted return on your time investment […]


Monday AM Sales Challenge: Who’s in control of the next step?

By Scott Sambucci | February 16, 2016

You have a great meeting with an early lead – a solid needs assessment conversation or an awesome demo. The person on the other side says – “This is great! Let me get with the team and get back to you!” or… You’re later in the sales process – you’re clear on need, the team […]