All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Do You Have Blue Dots or Purple Dots in Your Sales Pipeline?

By Scott Sambucci | June 11, 2019

This weekend, I came across a 2018 study published in Science magazine – “Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment,” by David E. Levari, et al. The experiment showed how people’s perception changed based on the decreasing frequency of a certain signal over time. In the experiment, participants were shown a series of blue and purple dots on a […]


Ep. 56: The Process is the Process – A Daily Dose Edition

By Scott Sambucci | April 9, 2019

The process is the process!  In today’s episode of the Startup Selling podcast, we did a Daily Dose edition. Stephen and I talk about the concept of the process is the process. A couple of quick notes about this episode. First of all, we talked about the importance of process versus outcome. How many times […]


Ep. 55: When & How to Use Cold-Calling, Partnership Programs & Vetting Your Sales Hires: Live Sales Q&A

By Scott Sambucci | March 26, 2019

  Today’s episode is a little bit of an experiment. Every month I run what’s called a Live Sales Q and A. It’s an open forum Webinar for anybody who wants to join and ask whatever sales question they have – could be a question about their prospecting, about their pipeline pull through, building teams, […]


Be The Leader Your Prospects Need You To Be

By Scott Sambucci | March 7, 2019

It all started so positively.  The prospect was excited to talk after they filled out the “I’d like more info” link on your site. They asked you tons of questions about your product. They couldn’t wait to see the demo and they loved what the saw. They asked about price and asked for a proposal, which […]


Ep. 54: Acquire, Activate & Accelerate Your Digital Marketing Leads – An Interview with Howard Kingston

By Scott Sambucci | March 5, 2019

“The real secret to growth hacking is repeated experiments.” – Howard Kingston Today’s guest is a Digital Marketing Expert and a personal friend of mine, his name is Howard Kingston and he’s from Ireland (as you’ll hear in his accent : -). Howard has been involved in the gaming space, mobile ads, all the way […]