01, 2017

From Startup Selling workshop attendees & clients
Kari Thor Runarsson, CEO & Co-founder of Authenteq
Malin Weiss, CMO at Speedment:
Isaac Szymanczyk, Principal and Creative Director at Conveyor:
From my clients…
I’m happy to share we got a big win on Thursday that I think in part came from a change we are making to discussing scope and contracts! I also think we targeted the prospect with the right case studies, references, and follow up.
– Tracey H.
Big wins are dedicating an average of 2 hours a day to sales strategy & content selling thinking. Other wins – using the confirm ask explore model and closed a deal this week just after the proposal call. We also have been working on educating the team about the 4ps so they have a sense of why / where we are spending time.
– Anne S.