Identifying The Technical Buyer of A Company

Identifying The Technical Buyer of A Company

By Scott Sambucci | June 29, 2021

“If you’re selling enterprise software, you’ll talk with people such as the vice president of engineering, chief technology officer (CTO), or information technology (IT) director.

They’re going to ask you questions about how your product is built and its compatibility with existing systems in their company.

They’ll ask you questions about what programming language is used to build and support your product.

If you’re using a cloud vendor, they might want to know if you are using Amazon, Microsoft, or someone else.

They’ll ask questions about platform stability and uptime. Their job is to “look under the hood” of your software product to identify any places where it might be unsound from a technology standpoint.”

[Excerpt from my book – “Stop Hustling, Start Scaling.”]

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