Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"

What are the main dynamics driving the accelerated scaling of SaaS startups?

By Zeeva Viola | June 8, 2017

Question: What are the main dynamics driving the accelerated scaling of SaaS startups? As manifested by higher valuations / multiples. Answer: Check out this presentation from Gail Goodman, Constant Contact CEO – “How to negotiate the Long, Slow, SaaS Ramp of Death.” Finding how to scale may take years – many years. For Constant Contact, […]


I’m going to run a startup, but I am struggling on whether to go full-time or do part-time. I find it really hard to work on a startup when fully-employed. What are your thoughts and experiences?

By Zeeva Viola | June 7, 2017

Question: I’m going to run a startup, but I am struggling on whether to go full-time or do part-time. I find it really hard to work on a startup when fully-employed. What are your thoughts and experiences? I need the money, but at the same time, need the concentration and focus to make the startup […]


What are 3 things you would like to change about your sales process?

By Zeeva Viola | June 6, 2017

Question: What are 3 things you would like to change about your sales process? Answer: [Thanks for the A2A!] You asked for three, and I’ll give you five…  🙂 I’d like to… …conduct more patient, deliberate prospecting. My results are always better when I take the time to develop an individualized strategy for each prospect […]


The Bridge Community Atlanta: Final Workshop Prep

By Scott Sambucci | June 3, 2017

Here’s backstage look of my final prep for The Bridge Community Atlanta: If you’re joining me for this workshop on Friday, just know that this is a WORKshop – you’ll definitely be doing some work! Here’s a sampling from our 1/2-day agenda: –> The Start Up, Ramp Up & Scale Up Model –> The […]