Be Confident – A Startup Selling Lesson from the Trail

Be Confident – A Startup Selling Lesson from the Trail

By Scott Sambucci | August 9, 2021


When you’re in sales calls ???? and you’re a CEO or a Founder, and you’re talking to another executive on the other side of the table – it could be a CEO, vice president, executive vice president, or one of their C-level executives of the company you’re selling to.

A lot of times, as a founder, you can sometimes feel this level of being #unconfident.????

You may say stuff like, “Oh, I’m just a CEO of a small startup and this person across the table is some big executive at some big company.” ????

I think it’s really critical for you to tell yourself – 

✅ I’m a CEO and I started this company
✅ I have a mission and a vision
✅ I know my product
✅ I know the problem we solve
✅ I know the customers that we have and they are having great success using our product

So when the time comes to run your sales call, you’ve got to be #confident ???? because you know you have the solution to their problem. 

This is YOUR product that you and your team built and you know it works because it’s built specifically to solve the kind of problem that your customers need. 

The more confident you are, the higher the chances that you’re going to transfer that enthusiasm to the person on the other side. 

Lesson from the trail.

I talk more about how to “Be Confident” in my recent podcast episodes.

???? Check it out here: