All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Start at the beginning

By Scott Sambucci | January 4, 2021

 After holidays every year, I feel disappointed that I didn’t get all the projects done I wanted during the break. I feel anxious about jumping back into the flow of work. It’s January 4th. The Internet is slow. Zoom keeps cutting out. Slack isn’t working. It’s cold and rainy. If ever there are reasons to […]


Who are the competitors in that market right now?

By Scott Sambucci | December 30, 2020

“If you’re unsure of the answer to this question, talk to people. For example, find people on LinkedIn and at conferences who are decision-makers in these industries. If you’ve chosen a market where you have experience and expertise, it should be easy for you to talk to your network.  Just say, “Look, I’m not selling […]


Being Deliberately Emergent #gofarther

By Scott Sambucci | December 29, 2020

I’m not a resolution kind of guy. If I really want to do something, I’ll do it whether it’s January 1st or July 29th. Setting expectations hinder my ability to make decisions and seize new opportunities. I think it’s important to have goals and outcomes, and those should be set as they become important and […]


Ep.114: Hiring Top-Level Sales Talent For Your Startup – An Interview with Jeremy Macleod

By Scott Sambucci | December 29, 2020

  In this episode of the Startup Selling Podcast, I interviewed Jeremy Macleod. As a proud Kiwi, Jeremy hails from the North Island of New Zealand and has been fortunate enough to call Wellington, Sydney, London, and San Francisco home at various times in his life. He has an addiction to working with some of […]


More companies die from indigestion than starvation.

By Scott Sambucci | December 28, 2020

“Think about Amazon. Before it sold lawn furniture, pet food, and everything else under the sun, it started with books. Once it proved the business model, it moved on to other products. Most importantly, if you’re not focused on a single industry, vertical, or market segment, it’s impossible to be perceived as a market expert.  […]

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