All Posts by Scott Sambucci

New Podcast – Prospecting Partnering System

By Scott Sambucci | June 14, 2021

In this segment of my conversation, I talked about #discovery which is the first part of the sales process. There are different parts of discovery – the discovery of new leads, the discovery of your customer’s problem, and ultimately, there is the discovery of opportunity. Then there’s the last part of the sales process…  Implementation! ???? The […]


Daily Dose: Prospecting Partnering System

By Scott Sambucci | June 14, 2021

  Demos are where sales opportunities go to die. Unless you’ve got a Prospecting Partnering System in your #sales process. It’s fun finding new leads, diving into problems, and talking about what’s possible with your help. Demos – Nothing more fun than showing off your product to an eager prospect. Proposals may not be fun […]


Identifying The Technical Buyer of A Company

By Scott Sambucci | June 11, 2021

If you’re selling enterprise software, you’ll talk with people such as the vice president of engineering, chief technology officer (CTO), or information technology (IT) director. They’re going to ask you questions about how your product is built and its compatibility with existing systems in their company. They’ll ask you questions about what programming language is […]



By Scott Sambucci | June 10, 2021

  Think about this framework in your 60-minute demo: Confirm–Show–Explore. You will use about 10% of your meeting to explore, 30% – 40% will be used to show, and 50% will be used to explore.  One of the most important things that you want to do is confirm the information in your discovery call and […]


User Buyer Can Become Advocates For You

By Scott Sambucci | June 10, 2021

“It’s important to identify the specific needs of the user buyers, so you know how they will benefit from using your product and to provide ground-level perspectives from the people who will be using the product. They can become advocates for you with the senior managers who will be more involved in the purchasing decision. […]

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