All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Corollary #2: The journey is the joy – A Startup Selling Lesson from the Trail

By Scott Sambucci | September 8, 2021

  That journey extends for the race itself—starting at 5:00 AM when the gun went off, all the way through to the time I hit the finish line and the weeks, months, and year that went into preparing to qualify for the race.  There were moments in the race where I remember hitting those checkpoints📍that I […]


Daily Dose: Exercise is My Antidote… Especially On Mornings Like This…

By Scott Sambucci | September 6, 2021

  Monday’s are usually a day I’m feeling rested and ready to go for the week. Not today. As I sat there churning out my Morning Pages, I could just see where the day was headed. The coffee tasted bitter. My mind wandering everywhere. My brain felt spongy and dull. Today was supposed to be […]


Corollary #1: Comparison is the thief of joy

By Scott Sambucci | September 3, 2021

You may have big lofty goals to be the unicorn🦄 or to be the next Facebook, Tesla, or Google for your industry… Well, you should have those.  ✅ If you’re truly solving an important problem in the marketplace. ✅ You’re adding value and you know that your product solves that problem. ✅ You know how […]


Comparison is the thief of joy – A Startup Selling Lesson from the Trail

By Scott Sambucci | September 2, 2021

  🏃🏼There were 44 people in the ultramarathon that I just knew were way faster than me. I finished the race at #58 which was an amazing accomplishment.  You are given a silver buckle if you finish in Sub 24 or a bronze buckle if you finish the race. 🏁I was the first person that […]


Daily Dose: What Are Your “Headlamp Miles?”

By Scott Sambucci | September 1, 2021

  I’ve got this thing when I’m training called “Headlamp Miles” – it’s the miles I knock out in before the sun comes up. This morning, I hit *start* on my Garmin at 4:16am today for a 10-miler. It’s not so much that I have to practice #running in the dark (though it does help […]

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