All Posts by Scott Sambucci

The Friday Four: 4 sales ideas you can use right away

By Scott Sambucci | February 11, 2016

Four (4) not-so-random ideas to help you find customers, grow revenue & build your sales process…  Enjoy. 🙂 (BTW- if you’d prefer to sign up for your own personal installments via email, click here.) 1 – No product demos on the first call What the prospect is thinking: “Once I see the product, then I’ll know […]


Startup Selling Podcast:’s Melanie Wong on Prospecting for Big Customers, the 7-Touch Rule & Working with Aaron Levie

By Scott Sambucci | February 3, 2016

If you’re selling to the enterprise, you HAVE to check out my Startup Selling podcast interview with Melanie Wong. Melanie is a large accounts sales manager at and she is fantastic. I learned a TON from her. I’ve already received messages from listeners on this episode: Dear Melanie: Just heard your podcast with Scott. […]


Quit blasting emails. Force concentration instead.

By Scott Sambucci | February 2, 2016

“A startup is not a smaller version of a large company.” – Steve Blank This goes for the sales funnel. Sure, at a large company with an established market, target segment, and known process – the marketing team can blast out 3000 emails to find a few qualified leads for the sales team to convert. […]


Monday Sales Challenge: How far can you take the sale WITHOUT showing your product?

By Scott Sambucci | February 1, 2016

It’s easy to fall into the “I’ve got to show my product” trap. Don’t! Challenge yourself to see how far you can take the sale without a product demo. Instead focus on customer needs, the problem you’re solving, and the value proposition for the buyer sitting across from you.