All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Take Action: Do something, anything. Please, just start. #gofarther

By Scott Sambucci | January 16, 2017

I laid in bed this morning, vacillating between conscious states for nearly 40 minutes before I pulled myself out from under the warm blankets. I was nearly ten minutes into my Morning Pages when I realized I turned on the wrong burner to make coffee. I told myself I was tired and that I deserved more sleep. Then I reminded […]


Mind Games & Project Management to Endurance Training

By Scott Sambucci | January 16, 2017

I wrote about working in sprints last week. I think the same goes with workouts in whatever training you’re pursuing. Whether you’re training for a 10k, half-marathon or 100-mile ultra, it’s all the same: The Race = The “Project” Weekly workout plan = “Weekly Workout Sprints” comprised of daily workouts. Daily workouts = “Daily Sprint Sessions” or […]


How Early Customer Define Your Destiny, Customer Money & Getting Better: SaaStr CoSelling Space Speaker Series Event

By Scott Sambucci | January 11, 2017

Last night’s SaaStr Speaker Series event  – “The Real Secrets to Happy Customers & to Making More Money” – hosted Byron Deeter of Bessemer Venture Partners and Nick Mehta of Gainsight. Jason Lemkin MC’ed the two-person panel, and each shared their perspectives on SaaS company sales and growth requirements, early customers and capital-raising. Many of their answers to Jason’s […]


The “Go Live” Roller Coaster – Don’t worry if you puke, just be sure to smile for the camera…

By Scott Sambucci | December 14, 2016

The “Go Live” Roller Coaster – Don’t worry if you puke, just be sure to smile for the camera…