All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Ep. 78: Signals, Places & Intent: Using Data Insights to Find Your Target Prospects – An Interview with Mark Colgan

By Scott Sambucci | January 7, 2020

  In this episode of the Startup Selling Podcast, I interviewed TaskDrive’s, Chief Revenue Officer, Mark Colgan. Mark has over eleven years of experience in B2B sales and marketing. As the TaskDrive CRO, Mark leads the growth strategies across 100-person remote sales, marketing, customer success, and product teams.  In his spare time, he helps B2B […]


The start of your work together

By Scott Sambucci | January 7, 2020

“In the sales world, too often we hear about “closing the sale” and “getting to the finish line.” Guess what? Your customers don’t think that way. No customer ever signs a contract and says, “Well, I’m glad that’s done! Let’s go celebrate!” or “This is awesome! Now our vendor can go raise a series A […]


Sales Process

By Scott Sambucci | January 6, 2020

During the sales process, your prospects are asking themselves (sometimes you) questions about product features and functionality and also asking questions about your ability to support the implementation of your product at their company. • How are your other customers like us? • What if the product breaks—how will you support us? • What if […]


The 10x ROI Rule

By Scott Sambucci | January 3, 2020

When selling your product, you should be able to show at least a 10x return on investment (ROI). In many cases, it should be as much as 50x–100x.  The 10x rule is important because it enables the prospective customer to account for the opportunity and implementation costs of purchasing your product. Whenever a company switches […]


“Daily Dose: Dude – Are you good?”

By Scott Sambucci | January 3, 2020

“Dude – Are you good?” This kid was 8-years-old and he needed to know.  This was serious business – a birthday party kickball game with all of his friends from school. Another dad and I jumped into the mix to make things interesting for the kids. Team captains were selected and it was time to […]