Are you coachable?

Are you coachable?

By Scott Sambucci | April 21, 2021

This week, Tim Ferriss posted his interview with George Mumford – a person most people don’t know. But they know the athletes that Mumford coached – including Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O’Neal. I’ve read Mumford’s book – “The Mindful Athlete” – several times, it’s been a go-to on my shelf for a couple of years.

If you’re a startup founder, or anyone, serious about growing yourself and making the most of the opportunities in your life, reading that these top performers all had performance coaches should immediately push you to get a coach ASAP if you don’t already have one.

Whether that’s working with me or someone else; doesn’t matter. ????

What matters is that you find someone that will help you be the best leader, team member, and person you can be.

But the question is – Are you coachable?

If you feel like you’re coachable, and you think you’re ready for some help growing yourself and taking your company to new levels, send an email to [email protected] with the word “COACHABLE” and let’s talk.