23, 2021

That sucked, and I’m glad it did.
The 4am alarm was unwelcome. I haven’t slept well this week even with getting to bed early. I woke up hungry and tired.
It’s been a heavy few weeks in the business with client projects, hiring and team reviews.
At home, we’re working on a new routine with my son now back to school.
I slammed extra training into the last few days because my wife is out of town this weekend so I won’t get out to the trail on Saturday.
When I hit ‘start’ on my Garmin at 5:07am, my legs were heavy & slow. I knew it’d be a slog to push through the five repeats I prescribed for myself.
I was right – it was a slog. Nearly four hours of running repeats up and down a 800′ climb – 1.5 miles up and then back down again, with loops around the lagoon for a few bonus miles.
But it was one of the best training days this year because I know that somewhere along the racecourse – it might be mile 27 or mile 53 or mile 78 (or each of them…) – that I won’t feel like going up the next climb.
I needed to push on tired legs when I didn’t feel like it.
Doing the work is fun when you feel good when you’re in a groove & everything’s flowing.
Doing the work when it’s hard – that’s where real progress happens.
#GoFarther #motivation #startups