21, 2019

Ep 57: Removing the Digital Shroud – Why You Should Run Live Customer Events, Plus How To Do It
Think about your day-to-day work and interactions with your customers – nearly everything is done virtually – from mobile phones to video conference calls to email to Slack and more.
Having like-minded people in the same room to share their experience is a great method to build their business and build a community. Since every business faces some sort of challenge every day, it’s a great opportunity to listen and learn where mistakes can happen, and how can they be prevented simply by the experience shared from someone else in the room.
One of the top reasons for running live events is to bring out these entrepreneurs at least once in a while to a physical space to share their experience in where they’re succeeding and where they are facing challenges.
You can do the same with your customers and prospects – whether you run your own event, or organize an event in tandem with an industry conference or association. The gains from getting away from the office and in a new, creative environment ALWAYS override the one-day loss of time with the team.
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Also, if you’re interested in learning more about Startup Selling, one of the easiest ways for me to help you is to give you a (free) copy of my book called: “Startup Selling: How to Sell If You Really, Really Have To And Don’t Know How.”
Just go to www.startupselling.co and you can download your free copy right there.
Thanks so much for listening!