“Demo” should NEVER be a stage in your sales process.

“Demo” should NEVER be a stage in your sales process.

By | October 1, 2020

“Demo” should NEVER be a stage in your sales process.

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In fact, your entire sales process should minimize your product as much as possible.

Yes, really.

That’s why Demo Design is one of the 9 Sales Accelerators.

If you’re running your demos the wrong way, I bet every one ends with three things ––

1/ Lots of applause
2/ A request for a proposal
3/ Three months of “Chase the Prospect”

Am I right?

But, if you build your Demo Design the right way, your demos will be short, focused and even better, move you quickly into conversations about IMPLEMENTATION.

Demo Design is NOT about your product – it’s about your PROCESS.

In this video, I’ll show you why you MUST establish a Demo Design system and more important, why your demos should have almost nothing to do with your product.

If you want some help with your Demo Design process, or any of the 9 Sales Accelerators, send me a DM or an email – [email protected].

Let’s do this.