“Daily Dose: One Step at a Time”

“Daily Dose: One Step at a Time”

By Scott Sambucci | January 9, 2020


I just signed up for my next ultra marathon – it’s in February down in New Zealand.

This past weekend, I built out the next three months – what does the training look like? What’s January going to look like?  What’s December gonna look like? What is the rest of November going to look like?

From there I break it down week-by-week – When are my long runs in the hills and how will I fit in my training with the holidays.

People ask me all the time – “How do you train? How do you get ready for these races?” 

And there’s something that I realized over the weekend as I was getting ready for my one workout on Sunday morning. 

As much as I put together monthly training programs or three-month training programs and how I want each week to look, the one thing that matters is the next workout.

For your company, the lesson is the same.

When you’re building your company and you’re growing your sales, too often we fixate on where do we need to be by the end of the year? Where do we need to be by the end of next quarter? 

Yes, you’ve got to set the vision. You need to know where you want to go. 

But when it comes down to it, it starts with doing those 20 calls today. It starts with preparing the right way for the next meeting. It starts with having the right plan of action for that conference you’re flying to tomorrow. 

Everything begins with that one thing that’s in front of you – next sales call, the next customer, the next product release. 

Just do the next thing, do the one thing that’s in front of you, that’s gonna get you closer to where you want to do – one step at a time.

#GoFarther #startupselling #startups #leadership #sales

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