All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Racial and Ethnic Diversity

By Scott Sambucci | July 13, 2021

Really love what Gabrielle “GB” Blackwell & Alexine Mudawar shared in this segment.  [BTW shout out to Shelton Banks]  Three power phrases that you want to pay attention to are: 1/ “If you’re not diverse and inclusive personally, you can’t be diverse and inclusive professionally”. 2/ “Untapped and Overlooked”.  3/ “There are female candidates in the market place but we’re […]


Future Pacing

By Scott Sambucci | July 13, 2021

“You’re future pacing a year ahead before you’ve even done product demo! Not only that, you’ve given your prospect confidence that you have a process in place to not just support them, but also to ensure their success with your product. Now when you get to the product demo, the agenda isn’t just about giving […]


Hard and Intimidating Situations

By Scott Sambucci | July 12, 2021

You know what’s hard and intimidating? 1/ Being the conduit of information to women on your sales team.2/ Being the only black woman in a predominantly white environment. In this segment of my conversation with Alexine Mudawar and Gabrielle “GB” Blackwell, we shared a few examples of hard and intimidating situations that we’ve encountered.  Check out the full […]


Pipeline Pull-Through Strategy

By Scott Sambucci | July 12, 2021

“Moving your qualified leads through your sales pipeline requires that you have a clear strategy for taking customers from qualified leads to paying customers.  Some of the biggest mistakes that startups make in this part of their sales funnel are one or more of these actions.  Failing to maintain momentum from one sales meeting to […]


Startups are Ultramarathons: Post-Race Lessons from the Trail, Part 1

By Scott Sambucci | July 9, 2021

  It’s been nearly two weeks since I ran the Western States 100 – a 100-mile ultramarathon from Olympic Village in the Sierra Nevadas to Auburn, CA. Every day since then, I’ve been reflecting back on the race – what I accomplished, what I learned, and how I prepared for the oldest, and arguably most […]

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