All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Go Farther Episode #9: Schedule Everything

By Scott Sambucci | July 8, 2024

I’m a little nuts — I really do schedule EVERYTHING. I keep a color-coded calendar: 💜 Purple = Personal stuff → Training & exercise, BJJ classes, soccer, family time, dog walks. Because purple is my favorite color. 🙂 📗 Green = Client work → Weekly Coaching calls, LIVE training sessions, workshops & 1-1s. It’s green […]


Go Farther Episode #8: Plan, Prepare & Visualize

By Scott Sambucci | July 8, 2024

I’m a planner. Not just the kind of person that likes to have a plan for whatever I’m tackling, but a crazy, fanatical planner. 🤓 I journal every morning and part of that routine is looking at my day ahead to know every meeting, call, workout, school pick-up and drop-off, soccer practice… I even add […]


Go Farther Episode #7: Gratitude

By Scott Sambucci | July 8, 2024

#Gratitude I remember hitting the wall early on with SalesQualia when it seemed I couldn’t find a new client for the life of me and my entire delivery model was screwed up. My university teaching gigs ran out and I was reaching into cash reserves to pay the mortgage. 💸 But there was something in […]


Go Farther Episode #6: Confidence

By Scott Sambucci | July 8, 2024

Be confident. The challenge might be different. The path might be different. The obstacles might be different. But it’s really all the same – the focus, the work, the effort, the grind, the persistence, the perseverance – required to get it done. Sure, you’re frustrated and fatigued, you’re discouraged and disappointed. Those are just feelings. […]


Go Farther Episode #20: Relentless Forward Progress – Patience, Persistence & Perseverance at the 2024 Western States 100

By Scott Sambucci | July 5, 2024

In this episode, Scott Sambucci explores the theme of “relentless forward progress” through the inspiring story of Patrick, a runner in the Western States 100 race. Scott delves into the key elements of patience, persistence, and perseverance, illustrating how maintaining a positive attitude, overcoming challenges, and adjusting goals can lead to success in both ultra-running […]