All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Hanging with Hans Rosling at TEDx San Francisco

By Scott Sambucci | April 3, 2012

You might know Hans Rosling of fame for his presentation with the best stats you’ve ever seen. And while I’m not exactly hanging with Hans Rosling, I will be speaking at the TEDx hosted in San Francisco by the Hult International Business School. My topic?  Well, sales of course: Death of a Salesman: Why […]


Measuring Sales Effectiveness and Monitoring Performance

By Scott Sambucci | March 23, 2012

Came across an interesting micro-study on pharmaceutical selling from RM Consulting. Think about “message leakage” as the quality and delivery of the sales call.  The study found that the raw count of sales calls mattered far less, and even had a negative correlation, to sales success.  The most successful reps were those that successfully delivered […]


Dear Kevin,

By Scott Sambucci | February 19, 2012

We’re lame – we didn’t post to the commonred contest. Yet, here we are with the audacity to ask for a few moments of your time because we’re two guys that worked their tail off to take 2nd place at Startup Weekend-San Jose, hacking together a working prototype and finding three pilot customers in less […]


Props. Major Props to…

By Scott Sambucci | January 31, 2012

1. The Startup Weekend San Jose organizers: Naureen “Nora” Nayyar, Dutiee Joseph Okafor, MyRoomie Darius Dunlap, Support UX César Salazar Tristan Kromer, They pushed, prodded, smiled, encouraged and fed us all weekend.  If you have an idea, take 54 hours to bang it out.  You never know.  You might take second place like us… […]