A prospecting plan of action is . . .

A prospecting plan of action is . . .

By Scott Sambucci | February 3, 2020

A master plan that describes the regular activities that you and your team deploy on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to generate qualified leads. A complete prospecting plan of action includes these three core components.

Funnel Fillers: The specific lead generation activities used to fill the top-of-the-sales funnel, such as your conference selling strategy, LinkedIn lead generation, and partnership programs.

Authority Voice: The way by which you show and share your expertise in your market through your content selling strategy, defining and framing the problem that your product solves, and how your target market should be thinking about the solution.

Lead Qualification Strategy: The process by which you efficiently and effectively qualify each sales lead to know whether you should convert the lead to an active sales opportunity or disqualify the lead through your qualification question framework.

[Excerpt from my new book – “Stop Hustling, Start Scaling.”]

Download the ENTIRE Book here:  http://bit.ly/2ISZxNA

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