A pipeline pull-through strategy is . . .

A pipeline pull-through strategy is . . .

By Scott Sambucci | February 10, 2020

Your company’s process for moving your qualified sales opportunities through your sales pipeline. Think of this as your “sales map”—all the steps you and your customers need to take during their buying journey. A complete pipeline pull-through strategy includes these three parts. 

Sales Meeting Management: This is your process for leading your sales meetings and product demos so that every meeting with your prospects advances the sale, including your demo design and meeting scoring system.

Prospect Partnering Strategy: How you identify the key buyers and stakeholders at your target customer, and how you develop promotors and product champions to assist you throughout the sale with each sales Opportunity.

Momentum Maintainers and Stalled Deal Strategies: The techniques you use to keep your active sales opportunities moving through your sales pipeline and your courses of action when your sales opportunities slow down, stall out, or go dark.

[Excerpt from my new book – “Stop Hustling, Start Scaling.”]

Download the ENTIRE Book here:  http://bit.ly/2ISZxNA

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