Category Archives for "Sales Tip of the Day"


What challenges are faced by startups selling enterprise software?

By Zeeva Viola | April 27, 2017

Question: The sales cycle with enterprise software is typically long. Unless the product being sold is unique, it will be hard to differentiate with competitors. I am curious to know what entrepreneurs do to combat the challenges in selling enterprise software. How do you manage the burn rate during uncertain sales cycles? Answer: Making sales […]


What are some ways a salesperson can speed along the procurement process when dealing with large Fortune 1,000 companies? #Q&A

By Zeeva Viola | April 26, 2017

Question: We’re seeing major lag times with large customers from the time we have a “handshake” agreement and when our deals actually get through a large company’s procurement process.  We’ve stripped down our MSA/SOW document, but find that most large companies prefer to use their own document.  Our changes tend to be fairly minor, however, […]


What is a reasonable first year quota for a new business salesperson for an outsourcing company? #Q&A

By Zeeva Viola | April 25, 2017

Question: I was recently offered a quota of $8k of recurring revenue per month in new business, each month, and assuming no churn. This amounts to $624k in revenue in year 1, and my salary is $60k. Is this realistic? Should my quota be related to my salary? The company has no other salespeople, but […]


Sales Recruiting: What are the biggest risks in hiring a salesman at your startup?

By Zeeva Viola | April 20, 2017

Question: Also, what are the biggest risks in hiring a salesman too early at your startup? Answer: Hiring any salesperson too soon. If you’ve yet to acquire paying customers, then it’s too soon – you’re still in Customer Discovery and Customer Development mode. And while Customer Development really is sales, as the company founder it […]


What do you need to know to try and become a SaaS Salesperson?

By Zeeva Viola | April 18, 2017

Question: Or is it just another sales job. Answer: Every sales job is different. Your product is different, your target market is different, your customers are different. Yes, selling is selling at its core, but would an hardware engineer tell you they have the same job as a mobile app engineer? A few concepts I’ve […]