All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Yes we did. The Sales Analyzer is ready to go.

By Scott Sambucci | January 30, 2012

Spent the weekend in San Jose at the San Jose Start-up Weekend.  Why not? Had a couple of product ideas, and what better way to spend 54 hours caffeinated, toiling with smart people to bang out The Sales Analyzer? Well… we did it, taking 2nd place out of 17 teams. (First place was a reverse Groupon […]


Pick. Up. The. Phone. [Redux]

By Scott Sambucci | January 27, 2012

Yesterday I received an referral email from another vendor in the industry to one of the “Too Big To Fail” banks.  Woohoo! Now, critical moment – I had an email half typed then said to myself – “Dude – Pick up the phone.” So I did, and I’m glad I did.  Here’s how the conversation […]


Pick. Up. The. Phone.

By Scott Sambucci | January 25, 2012

Gearing up for a conference we attended this week, our sales rep plowed through a list of attendees cross-matched with leads and prospects in our CRM.   He called one fellow who’s historically been a pain in our collective side.  Over the last two years, we haven’t been able to get him past a couple […]


What about booth babes?

By Scott Sambucci | January 16, 2012

Do you spend money on a booth, or should you just do LobbyCon? Go to the events and avoid registration fees at all costs. There is plenty of LobbyCon you can do. It will be painfully obvious when it’s time to actually pay to register. Don’t feel bad about this. Conferences are daunting and expensive, […]


My 8 Sales Tenets (so far…)

By Scott Sambucci | January 14, 2012

[UPDATED: 2/13/12] Sales Tenet #9: Be nice. No matter what – always be nice. Why “Tenets”? Just sounds better than “principles” or “rules” or “laws.” (Why are you asking silly questions – the meat and potatoes are below…) Sales Tenet #1: For inbound calls and lead, find out why the prospect is inquiring about your […]