All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Sales Tip of the Day: Rationality & Decision-Making

By Scott Sambucci | November 23, 2012

This Quora question – “In terms of sales, what are the three most important things to know about psychology?” – led to some heavy research on economics and organizational behavior and more importantly, how they relate to sales. After reading about Herbert Simon’s work on bounded rationality – the concept that organizations do not make optimal decisions, but […]


1 Check out the SalesQualia Board on

By Scott Sambucci | November 18, 2012

I spend lots of time on Quora answering sales questions because, well, I’m a sales geek. 🙂 And so, I’ve begun consolidating my posts on the SalesQualia Quora Board. One stop shopping for all of your sales questions. Check it out here. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


From this week’s Sales Mapping Workshop

By Scott Sambucci | November 11, 2012

Mapping your sales call is essential to successful selling. This week in San Francisco, we offered our in-person “Sales Mapping Workshop.” (Special thanks to the awesome people at Sandbox Suites for hosting!) Here’s a quick look at what we covered. Of course, nothing beats the real, live, in-person version of the workshop. Check out the […]


Sales Tip of the Day: Ask “Why do you ask?”

By Scott Sambucci | November 5, 2012

Questions, questions, questions. Everyone will tell you that sales conversations are a series of questions. You’re told to ask open-ended questions and to ask leading questions and to ask questions that follow prescribed formulas like as SPIN. You’re told that if the prospect begins asking questions then that’s a buying signal. But is it really? […]