All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Sales Tip of the Day: “How do I become a better salesperson”

By Scott Sambucci | May 8, 2013

[I first published this post on Because I received such a positive response, I wanted to share here on SalesQualia. Check out all of my Quora posts here.] 1. Be mentally and physically fit. Subscribe to Listen to books about selling, business, and personal motivation. Read novels. Do Lumosity. Learn a second (or […]


1 Group Dynamics & The Purchasing Committee

By Scott Sambucci | April 19, 2013

Your Product Champion assured you that the budget is there along with the appetite to unseat the existing software that is your primary competitor. You reviewed the ease of product implementation with the Technical Buyer. The User Buyers successfully used the trial version for three months, leading to more than $1.5 million in cost savings. […]


I’m hosting two workshops in two weeks!

By Scott Sambucci | January 29, 2013

Wednesday, January 30: “Selling for the Lean Startup: How to Find Customers and Talk to Them” | 5:30 PM To 8:45 PM at Runway Incubator, 1355 Market Street, Suite 488, San Francisco, CA Friday, February 8: “Engineering Your Sales Process with Sean Murphy.”  | Noon to 3:30 PM (lunch included!) at the Pacific Business Center Sunnyvale, CA