All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Sales Vanity Metrics

By Scott Sambucci | July 4, 2013

Check out our upcoming Meetup event Thursday, July 25: Startup Sales Circle with Featured Guest Matthew Harrell, Enterprise Sales Manager with Google. Why are you sales opportunities stalling? Could be that you’re using Sales Vanity Metrics. # of Outbound Calls This means you are waiting for leads and prospects to call you back. And they […]


This biggest lie in sales

By Scott Sambucci | June 16, 2013

“To be good at sales, you need to be good at dealing with rejection.” I remember a call with a very large hedge fund I’d been working with for six months. The final call ended abruptly with the Managing Director telling me – “We’re not interested.” . That was it. After six months of sales […]


Find the Spider

By Scott Sambucci | May 30, 2013

Find your spider. In 1994, Nancy Krieger wrote a landmark paper in the field of epidemiology – “Epidemiology and the Web of Causation: Has anyone seen the spider?” Prior to her publication, epidemiologists cited a “a web of causations” as the reason a particular disease blighted a population. (Also see: Overdetermination) Krieger posited that instead, […]


Force Concentration – Get your first customer first

By Scott Sambucci | May 24, 2013

“Force Concentration is the practice of concentrating a military force, so as to bring to bear such overwhelming force against a portion of an enemy force that the disparity between the two forces alone acts as a force multiplier, in favor of the concentrated forces.” Whether you’re a startup or an establish company, when you’re […]


Systems Thinking for Enterprise Selling

By Scott Sambucci | May 16, 2013

Think of your target companies as complex systems… … not just a group of individuals choosing to buy your product or not. Various players (your contacts) in the purchasing decision are non-constant, that is, they are individually fluctuating in their states. These fluctuations result in variance in their decisions and criteria throughout the sales process.Yes, […]