All Posts by Scott Sambucci

Hooray! I got a D!

By Scott Sambucci | October 10, 2013

Last night, I sent out an cold “InMail” yesterday to a “D” contact and got a reply. My first reply from a D. We’re setting up a time next week to talk. (Reminder: “Ds” are cold contacts – people I’ve never met before – in my classification system for customer development contacts.)  Sidenote: That’s the second reply […]


Eating my own dog food

By Scott Sambucci | October 8, 2013

I failed. I teach clients to set daily goals when I’m teaching clients how to manage their selling days. Yesterday, I set a goal to call ten (10) contacts for a customer development and sales project we’ve undertaken for a new client. Yesterday’s score: 10 planned calls 8 outbound calls 2 conversations 1 call back […]


Three things to know about Enterprise Sales

By Scott Sambucci | September 28, 2013

Thanks to Atlas Accelerator for the opportunity to present at their Fall 2013 Symposium last night. And a special thanks to John Sechrest for the introduction and his wonderful hospitality in Seattle yesterday. I had a hoot hanging out for the day at ImpactHUB and SURF Incubator. Even had a sunny day up there. Slides posted […]