All Posts by Scott Sambucci


I did my 10 sales calls and a funny thing happened

By Scott Sambucci | October 8, 2015

15 total calls: 10 new outbounds 3 calls resulting from previous outbounds and referrals. 2 calls with previous customers The results? 1 actual sales call in which I was selling 1 voicemail message left 5 future meetings set up by emai, beginning today, all resulting from my new outbounds. 8 no responses so far (Note: 2 […]


10 Sales Email Strategies & Tips

By Scott Sambucci | August 3, 2015

Is anything more frustrating than sending a follow up to a prospective customer only to get nothing back in reply? Use these ten tips for sending emails to your customers and I guarantee you’ll get more replies and more follow up meetings, and close more deals. 1. Always end your email with a question. Examples: […]