All Posts by Zeeva Viola

Does the sales person really add value to his customers in B2B sales?

By Zeeva Viola | June 13, 2017

Question: Does the sales person really add value to his customers in B2B sales? Answer: Absolutely, assuming the salesperson is a good salesperson. Here are just a few ways a good salesperson adds values to customers in B2B/enterprise sales: A good salesperson coordinates people and processes at the account. Over and over and over, people […]


What are the main dynamics driving the accelerated scaling of SaaS startups?

By Zeeva Viola | June 8, 2017

Question: What are the main dynamics driving the accelerated scaling of SaaS startups? As manifested by higher valuations / multiples. Answer: Check out this presentation from Gail Goodman, Constant Contact CEO – “How to negotiate the Long, Slow, SaaS Ramp of Death.” Finding how to scale may take years – many years. For Constant Contact, […]


I’m going to run a startup, but I am struggling on whether to go full-time or do part-time. I find it really hard to work on a startup when fully-employed. What are your thoughts and experiences?

By Zeeva Viola | June 7, 2017

Question: I’m going to run a startup, but I am struggling on whether to go full-time or do part-time. I find it really hard to work on a startup when fully-employed. What are your thoughts and experiences? I need the money, but at the same time, need the concentration and focus to make the startup […]


What are 3 things you would like to change about your sales process?

By Zeeva Viola | June 6, 2017

Question: What are 3 things you would like to change about your sales process? Answer: [Thanks for the A2A!] You asked for three, and I’ll give you five…  🙂 I’d like to… …conduct more patient, deliberate prospecting. My results are always better when I take the time to develop an individualized strategy for each prospect […]


Is telesales a good approach for B2B startup sales?

By Zeeva Viola | June 1, 2017

Question: Is telesales a good approach for B2B startup sales? Answer: Think “inside sales” instead of “telesales,” and it’s a necessity to accompany travel to advance larger deals at key points of the sales process. (Luke Harmon’s has some very good criteria on this.) Regardless, you need to use the phone extensively regardless of whether […]

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