Ep.6: Burning Sales Questions Webinar Pt. 1


This SalesCast is brought to you by, well, SalesQualia. Check out the Startup Selling Program, a 90-day program focused on finding customers, growing revenue and building your sales process.

In this episode, Scott hosts a webinar where participants ask their most burning sales question for both business to customer (B2C) and business to business (B2B or enterprise) markets. This episode is the first half of a Burning Sales Question webinar that SalesQualia hosts regularly. Signup here if you are interested in joining the next Burning Sales Question webinar! Key areas covered:

  • How to uncover existing pain points from a prospective client who is reluctant to speak about their problems.
  • Using the Challenger Sales Model to approach your target market with researched pain points for their companies versus asking what problems they are experiencing.
  • Best sales tactics for competing with super powerful competitors like Facebook, Google, and other industry giants.
  • How to generate leads for a new niche market that you believe your product is well suited to help.
  • How to generate leads to scale from a few customers to a hundred within your target market

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We hope you enjoy the podcast and would greatly appreciate feedback! Any suggestions on future topics you would like to hear covered and/or podcast guests you’d like to hear would be great! Enjoy!

Podcast Notes

2:00 – How do you uncover existing pain points with a prospective client?

3:00 – The Who, Why, How method of identifying buyers, markets, and how your product fits their needs.

5:10 – How to use the Challenger Sales Model to approach prospective clients using your own research to identify the pain points of their target market.

8:10 – What are the best sales tactics to compete with super powerful competitors like Facebook, Google, and other large established companies in your industry.

9:40 – How to work alongside established competitors by filling the gaps that their services provide to your prospective clients.

11:38 – How to generate leads for a new niche market that you believe your product would be a good fit for.

13:15 – How running a small experiment on prospective new customers in your target market can help you test value, gain powerful testimonials from a new customer base, and help your company better define your value proposition for new clients.

16:20 – How running small experiments in the enterprise sales world can help you scale from early adopters to the market at large.

17:30 – How to generate sales leads finding all the target companies and their relevant contacts within your target market.

18:10 – How to use industry conferences to generate leads and what to do with all those new leads.

21:00 – Ways to use LinkedIn and Virtual Assistants to make the most out of a conference and, most importantly, your time.

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