Member Page – Getting Started with Startup Selling

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How we’ll communicate & get you the help you need

Sales Acceleration Calls: The 10 Commandments

  1. Your Time, Your Questions: These calls are designed to find you the best answer for your question as quickly as possible. While others are often on the call, this is YOUR time for YOUR Questions.
  2. Think “Office Hours:” Jump in and jump out whenever you need during the call. You are never required to stay the time a call is scheduled. Chances are that you’ll learn from others’ questions, but feel free to jump off the call after you get your question answered.
  3. Send Your Questions Ahead of the Calls: For best results, post your questions to the Facebook group or shoot me a text or email at least an hour before each call. The more I know about where you’re stuck or what question you have, the more I can prepare and the faster we can get you the help you need.
  4. Be Prepared: Be ready to go when you’re up. I’ll restate your question, then ask you for whatever background information is useful to get you the best answer possible.
  5. Share Your Ideas: A primary reason for hosting calls in a group setting is because we can learn and share experiences with everyone else. You might have the best answer for a colleague, so share your experiences if you think they are relevant and useful.
  6. Useful > Interesting: Because the calls are designed to get you and everyone else tactical help, if you contribute or when it’s your turn, kindly focus on information that is useful.
  7. Use Basecamp for Company Updates. The Sales Acceleration Calls are designed to give you tactical help right away on whatever sales projects, deals, customers or strategies
  8. The Startup Selling Member Site: Definitely check out the Startup Selling Member site before and after our calls. During most calls, I reference content, templates, worksheets and presentations that will help you with most of your questions. Take advantage of this super resource library.
  9. Plan to Attend 1x/week. Calls are the crucible of our work together. It is planned communication, accountability and establishes what actions you need to take next to get the results you need. Make these a priority for yourself and your company.
  10. Remember the Five Pillars to Our Successful Work Together: Preparation, Communication, Commitment, Take Action & Share. Let’s put these to action in every call!

Getting Started:

  • Sign up for the next Sales Acceleration Call, which you can find on the bottom tab of your Member Home Page.
  • Post an introduction to yourself and your company to the Facebook group and post your top three (3) sales priorities for the week.
  • Take one minute and fill out this survey with your shirt size and shipping address.
  • Now check out these short introduction videos to Startup Selling and you are off and running!

Getting started, part 1:

Getting started, part 2:

Slides available for download:

Module 1.1 – Startup Selling: Getting started (downloadable)